Thursday, March 31, 2011

From Kathmandu to Gary Busey

Hello one and all!
Welcome to my new blog Life Among Limes, the new hot spot where you can catch up on the "Danny Curtis latest".
Let us Begin.

I arrived back to the US from Nepal sometime last week. We set out to film a documentary that followed the Ministry of Scott Brown and Peak Performance. While we were there we saw Beautiful mountains, Garbage filled rivers, Monkey temples, One-room churches, Burning bodies, Glue huffing 9 year-olds, Shabby Government Schools, Beautiful Boarding School, Leprosy colonies, Dhal Bat, She-boys, Ghurka Knives, Ambler Hats, and Jesus Christ. We gathered 20+ hours of footage that is currently being loaded on to computers, a process that will likely take a week to complete before the editing can begin. I am thrilled about what we were able to capture and am excited to see what can be used from the footage.

Since the Nepal trip I have Officially and Successfully made the move from St. Paul to Los Angeles where I have been attempting to find work in "the industry" to whatever capacity I can manage, as well as salvage most of my integrity.

So far LA has been every bit as wonderful and crazy as I remember from my time here in 2009. I have begun work as a Production Assistant (PA) at a reality television production company at the Paramount Pictures lot. Sounds glamorous right? Well essentially PA's are slaves to Assistants and Producers, we're "gophers" or "errand-boys/girls". A rag-tag group of coffee-running, email-sending, paper-filing, phone-answering, research-gathering recent film grads with high hopes of someday "totally wanting to be like a producer/director or something, maybe even a writer". For me, it has been a way to make a little money while taking an investigative look into the wacky world of the film industry. And after just two days on the lot, I have been forced to write some of this stuff down. It's like watching a movie or something.

Paramount Celeb Sighting-
I had just finished cutting out life-sized styrofoam "Barrel of Monkeys" monkeys for this game show I have been helping out with. Naturally. As I was hustling them to the studio I passed Wayne Brady giving his Assistant an EAR FULL in the alley next to our office. It was excellent. Also, this in no way tarnishes my perception of Wayne Brady, I'd be pissed too if I was hosting a game show where the audience dresses up in costumes and dances all day.

Oh and the Gary Busey reference was that earlier today in Beverly Hills I saw Gary Busey drive by in a sweet convertible wearing a tie dye shirt and some sleek shades, That guys' teeth HAVE to be fake. 


  1. Sounds like a blast! Let us know when your monkeys will be on the game show! Really excited to see the film of Nepal, sounds like it was an awesome trip. Keep us posted on what's happening.

  2. love love love the blog! can't wait for more...!
