Well actually it's an outdoor bar so lets just say a guy sits down on a stool and jurisdiction-wise he happens to be within the legal confines of a bar.
This guy is PUMPED because he is about to watch the first NFL regular season game of 2011 (whoop whoop!) but this guy is also out of money so he had to walk half a mile to this outdoor bar that has one TV and has to spend most of his time shooing away waitresses because "Six dollars for a pint of Bud Lite? American Dollars?"
Then this guy's phone rings, and it's his director-buddy/old film-school classmate Blair on the other line.
Blair: Danny! hey what's up man?
Guy: Hey man, not much, just enjoying a little Packer/Saints football on TV, Meachum needs to light-it-up for me tonight fantasy-wise.
Blair: Oh fun....Anyways I'm filming this short film on Saturday and one of our actors dropped out, I was wondering if you would be interested in helping out?
Guy: Oh really! yeah umm let me just think here, gotta see if I'm busy, let me just check my calendar quick...
Blair: yeah sure
GUY places his phone on the counter for a few moments. He is fully aware that he has nothing going-on on Saturday but stalls to create tension/provide the illusion that he is a busy guy, in fact, GUY has never even used the calendar function on his phone.
Guy: You know what!... Yes I think I might just be able to help you guys out, what's the role?
Blair: Great! How good is your Spanish accent?
Guy: ....
Blair: Well in the scene there's this crack house right? And the main character has to go in there but it's full of all these degenerates and druggies and this Mexican heroine-addict-guy wakes up and says this line in Spanish.
Guy: ...right
Blair: And I was thinking, how am I gonna find somebody to fill in and then Boom! Danny Curtis! of course! So what do you think?
Guy: ...sure...
Blair: Sorry what?
Guy: I'll do it...
Blair: Great! Thank you!
So then this guy buys a beer. Not out of shame mind you, because I mean this is a real opportunity to further his acting career...You know?
So then this guy buys another beer.
BUT the guy had a bunch of fun on set seeing as how the crew was primarily comprised of his roommates.
Roommate Matt Giblin (camera operator) and the Amazing RED camera |
Andrew the PA smashing up some Crystal Meth for the scene |
Blair the Director (Center) with Jeff the Director of Photography (Right) discussing shots |
And I must say, the guy nailed his line "Quien diablos fue eso?" ("Who the hell was that?")
Well thank God for Fantasy Football
I am proud to say that I have resurrected both of my previous Fantasy Teams "Human Centipede" and "Paranormal Sacktivity"as well as a new Third team "Smokin' a Blount" - Legarrette Blount anyone?
I many have gone overboard with Three teams this year, but I have been going nuts waiting for some football.
I think it's because football brings so many familiar and comforting feelings with it.
The leaves changing, the cool air, busting out the sweatshirts.
Of course in LA it means another beautiful 80 degrees and sunny :) .... kinda getting sick of it
Now as I write, I realize that the Vikes have "pooped" the proverbial "bed" these past two weeks, needless to say I was JACKED to attend the first game of the season with some other MN natives in San Diego when they took on the Chargers last week.
The Vikings punter.
He is this genius speed-reader, Guitar Hero champion,World of Warcraft Phenomenon type-guy.
He is hilarious and can often be heard on 93X in MN as "Chris Warcraft"
He also plays in a Minnesota rock band called "Tripping Icarus", what's not to love?
Naturally when my grandma asked me what I wanted for my birthday last year, I said "a Chris Kluwe jersey"
So there I am. San Diego. Kluwe jersey proudly sported amongst a sea of Peterson #28's and Allen #69's (actually I was surprised to see that more than a fourth of the fans at the game were Vikings fans) and then out of nowhere BANG! another #5...At first I thought "Oh some joker went and got himself a McNabb jersey" but upon his turning realized it was a throw-back Kluwe.
"Woah!" I thought, I've never seen another Kluwe jersey, I need to take a picture with this guy.
Of course when I approached him and he saw my jersey, he returned my surprise and said
"Are you a Kluwe fan?!"
To which I responded "Heck yes I am! and I see that you are too!"
And he said, "well I'd better be, we're his family"
To which he motioned to the rest of his crew, to his sister.
Then I met Mrs. Kluwe....
It was awesome.
The Bro-in-law, Mrs. Kluwe, and ME |
Pregame parachuters land in the stadium |
9/11 pregame ceremony |
...and a picture with the legendary 'Purple Pimps' and some random Chargers fan |
There were a couple of high points these past couple weeks.
I hopped on Facebook to discover that a promo video for Ambler Apparel was posted to my wall!
This was some of the footage I shot when I was in Nepal, Ambler was one of the focal points of our trip out there.
They are a company that provides employment for many Nepali women who work knitting hats from the comfort of their homes and have the ability to support their families without having to succumb to life on the streets.
It was great to see some footage pulled together. I have been spending a bunch of time looking through the footage, trying to find the greatest clips out of more than 20 hours of footage. It's been overwhelming at times.
But after seeing the Ambler video I decided that I should toss a little trailer together, a little something for the supporters.
Just Feel Me Dear Human Trailer - click here!
The Last installment of this post will be an ode to the Sh*t-heap of cars I've had in my 7 years of driving.
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Free Candy Kids? |
Or, like the time I came home to find my mom painting the car blue with paint she found in the basement "But It'll wash right off".
Unfortunately 9 months after the purchase, the finger of God came down and literally severed the battery into two halves and destroyed the vehicle forever.
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This random internet photo doesn't do it justice |
The Buick also sported a broken front-left headlight and hood damage after my brother "barely bumped it" with the Suburban in the driveway.
This car, despite several trips to the mechanic, had to be "put down", it still breaks my heart.
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10 miles to the gallon? We must me going down-hill |
Pros: Leather interior, CD player!, and killer 4-wheel drive for those snowy occasions.
Cons: The MPG rarely crossed into the double digits, did I say CD player? Psyche! Broken, as the main transportation for our dogs, it came with about 10 lbs of dog hair and smell.
(This was confirmed by a Minnetonka police officer who pulled me over for leaving my brights on and accusing me of smoking weed)
Asshole Cop: You uh, you been smokin' any dope tonight?
Me: (Sigh) No sir
A.C: What's that I smell then?
Me: German Shepherd
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Ick |
Sadly there was no way I was going to be able to afford driving the Tahoe around in LA, so I decided on my 4th and current vehicle - The white '98 Honda Civic with the rusted hitch on the back.
If ever there was a lemon.
I'll just say that I've got the mechanic under my 'favorites' list in my phone because we talk every other week.
Two nights ago, Steph and I were driving through Westwood and it broke down, this of course was 2 days after it had the alternator and battery replaced. It's currently back at the garage.
What will the next car be? A Ford Fiesta? A Geo Metro? A Gremlin? At this rate I would not be surprised.
Tomorrow I leave for Montana for some fly-fishing with my dad, Ben, and my uncle Steve, I am super pumped as I've
A. Never been to Montana
B. Never fly fished (I know I know, it's not as easy as I think, chill out)
A. Never been to Montana
B. Never fly fished (I know I know, it's not as easy as I think, chill out)
Then I make my bi-monthly trip back to MN for The Barr wedding.
Super excited to experience some Fall weather.